Author: Marcus Jaye

Label To Know Perte D’ego

Lose the ego, or meaning ‘ego loss’, Perte D’ego is a new Indian brand using the best skills of Indian craftsman and creating pieces rather than collections. The website is a scroll of colourful and often embroidered men’s and women’s items, some matching, some not.

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Menswear Product Of The Week The Loewe Flow Trainer

I’ve been looking for new trainers recently. While there’s a lot out there, many are very bulky, heavy and ugly. Don’t even get me started on the rubber boot trend. These from Loewe – it’s always Loewe atm – were the nicest I saw. Made in Italy and decent quality, they are a classic design with the added General Electric swirl of the Loewe logo. While they have that 70s thing going on, the colouration and suede reminds me of the 90s. It’s very my early-days-at-Wallpaper*-magazine eating whatever the cook had made that day and wearing Camper Pelotas....

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Retail – The Best Changing Room In The World!

Changing rooms, remember those? Those badly lit places that saved us from ordering online, trying things on at home and putting any returns in the post. Well, on my recent trip to Antwerp, I stumbled across, what could be, the best changing room in the world. A literally breath of fresh air, and who cares it’s the middle of January and freezing with the door open when you’re looking out onto this. It was other worldly.

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